Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

Well, I'm sitting in my bed with my new year's cold and while it is a few days late I thought I'd share some new year's resolutions with everybody. I hate New Year's Resolutions and sadly I rarely if ever live up to them, but as the new year approaches I can never help but make them. So here they are, not in any particular order:

1.Be less self deprecating.

2.Be a better wife, daughter, sister, friend (less of a nag, more supportive, etc.)

3. Believe in myself more.

4. Exercise at least 3 days a week.

5. Drink no more than 3 cokes a week.

6. Drink more water.

7. Use credit cards less.

8. Be more grateful.

9. Exercise more self-control.

10. Procrastinate less.

And one to grow on...Love more everyone all the time no matter what.

Anyway, hope everyone has had a fabulous beginning to 2009 and remember that you will all be in my thoughts and well wishes.


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